Search Engine Optimization Specialists

SEO is a continuous process. It’s like the machinery you use to drill for oil, or mine for gold. You’ll need more powerful equipment if you are to go through granite or hard rock, your engines will require frequent maintenance, and the drill-bit may get worn out and need replacing from time to time.

Your SEO is just the same. It will need constant tweaks, reviews and shifts to keep it moving in the right direction, so that it continues to deliver stellar results.

Sometimes the ground may be so hard that you need diamond-tipped drills to break through. And yes, diamond drill-bits are more expensive. But as long as research shows the presence of a vein of gold, or a large reservoir of oil, the drilling must proceed if riches are to be tapped.

In the same way, in tough markets, the SEO you need might be more expensive because of tougher competition. Yet the ‘hidden treasure’ you’re seeking will be more precious, making it worth mining for. Research and analysis by expert SEO advisors can tell you if there’s a gold mine there or not.

That’s how your investment in expensive SEO consultants pays off. At first, they may look bad on your budget sheet, because they appear as a “cost”. But if the impact of their research is to correctly guide you to the most profitable niches and avenues to mine for wealth and profit, then it will multiply your modest investment ten times over, or more!

Good SEO is like a fine-tuned engine. Unless you take good care, it won’t be able to keep going and will burn out. When you embark upon an SEO driven strategy, be prepared to hunker down for a long fight. You’ll take some hits along the way, but you’ll throw harder punches and score more wins. Eventually, that’s what matters.

Hopefully, these compelling reasons have convinced you about the value and benefits of an integrated SEO strategy in growing your business and taking your company to new heights of profitability, branding and success.

SEO is like music. The foundations haven’t changed much since the inception. But the application of SEO has evolved over time. I’ve traced some of this complex journey in my article called How Much Does SEO Cost?

On a personal note, I don’t believe a discussion about which marketing tactic is “the best” is of much value. As business owners, CEOs and managers, what we need to focus on is how to reach the best result by talking and working together. We’ll do ourselves a huge favor by not arguing over the most effective technique, but instead exploring how we can successfully integrate the best mix and exploit it to the fullest potential in growing business and revenues.

One last thing to keep in mind. Handing someone a guitar doesn’t mean they’ll start playing great music. If you want great music, hire a rock star. If you want top notch SEO, hire SEO Rock Stars.  Then give them the budget they need to deliver great results.

                                 The Business Case for SEO

Endless Opportunity

What Really Matters

About Us

EDNAP's executives have over 57 years of combined business experience covering areas of Information Technology, Operational Excellence, both Domestically and Globally. Area's of core competency consist of and not limited to, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Design and Re-Design, Application Development, Network Engineering, Internet Service Provider, Core Infrastructure, ERP.  Markets of expertise; Business Systems, DoD, Medical, Health Sciences, Manufacturing, Distribution, Operations, Executive / C Level, Sales & Marketing and Business Development. No future is too big or too small for us, our goal is to simply help create a positive future for all of our clients. 

Rest assured that in our hands we've helped clients with all types of backgrounds successfully navigate, develop critical plans, and execute / drive / implement their respective operational initiatives. We want to help enhance your organizational goals and drive market share.

              Rob Guinta                         Al Moran